Relief Experts Association (Yardim Uzmanlari Yardimlaşma ve Kalkinma Derneği – UDER) is a humanitarian nonprofit organization registered in Turkey to provide multi-sector humanitarian assistance in Turkey and other countries. Relief Experts Association started its operations in Turkey and northern Syria in 2018 with a focus on health and community support. Our projects currently provide primary healthcare, education and community empowerment services in Turkey and Syria with the aim of supporting local communities to restore their lives, support refugee integration, reduce morbidity and mortality rates, and overcome vulnerabilities at the targeted communities.
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Relief Experts work according to the HRP in Syria and the 3RP in Turkey:
With the displaced and host communities in Syria:

The 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) sets out the framework within which the humanitarian community will respond to the largescale humanitarian and protection needs in Syria throughout 2020, on the basis of the prioritization undertaken across and within sectors. The HRP, based on United Nations’ (UN) assessments and analysis, presents urgent funding requirements to address these needs. It is anchored by three strategic objectives: saving lives and alleviating suffering, enhancing protection, and increasing resilience. As these objectives are interlinked and often inter-dependent, achieving positive outcomes for affected people requires concerted action across all three. Protection and early recovery are mainstreamed across the HRP framework, adding coherence to the humanitarian response. Progress made towards attaining one objective is often dependent upon incremental steps towards achieving another. Achieving these objectives is contingent upon the availability of sufficient resources and the existence of an enabling operational environment. Humanitarian activities under the HRP are coordinated at field level and benefit from an overarching effort to harmonize assistance across response areas.
Read more about the 2020HRP here.
With the refugees in Turkey:

The Syria situation remains the largest refugee crisis in the world, with millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt for many years. With the vast majority of refugees residing in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas, basic public services and infrastructure in host countries quickly became overstretched and pre-existing vulnerabilities were exacerbated, particularly in affected host communities.
In 2015, recognizing the unique challenges facing host countries and communities in so generously hosting Syrian refugees, the international community instituted a new comprehensive approach. Going beyond emergency assistance, the new approach combined humanitarian and development responses to the Syria crisis into a single coherent plan in line with national plans and priorities, under the co-leadership of UNHCR and UNDP.
Now into its sixth year, the 3RP has led the way in terms of the international community’s support to national efforts to deal with the impact of the crisis. The 3RP has been at the forefront of many policy and programmatic innovations including support to national and local systems, using technology to increase efficiency and effectiveness, and supporting the self-reliance of refugees and host communities.
Read more about the 3RP here.
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