Our mission
To support war-affected population and refugees to regain control over their lives
A society willing to heal and a team of experts dedicated to serve
and values
Bravery, creativity, excellence, compassion, equality
Relief Experts Association provides multi-sector humanitarian assistance in Turkey and other countries. Our operations started in Turkey and northern Syria in 2018 with a focus on health and community support. It aimed at supporting local communities with healthcare services, health education, and community empowerment to reduce morbidity and mortality rates and overcome vulnerabilities at these communities.
Relief Experts Association is a humanitarian organization registered in Turkey as (Yardim Uzmanlari Yardimlaşma ve Kalkinma Derneği), UDER acronym, No: 27-022-041 and tax number: 9371111802 at Gazikent Tax Department, Gaziantep. The organization works in partnership with Relief Experts UK Ltd, registered in the United Kingdom under number 14486129, and with Relief Experts Association USA registered in the United States of America under number 83-3930473.
Relief Experts Association is registered in NCAGE (NATO Commercial and Government Entity) with No: TH393, in DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) with No: 533141658 and in SAM (U.S. System for Award Management). Relief Experts Association manages its operation in Turkey and Syria from its main office in Gaziantep, Turkey. For more information, please contact us via the email: info@reliefexperts.org

countries where Relief Experts Associations is active